Michael O’Donohoe studied the historic houses of the Castleisland area. One source of reference was Historical Genealogical Architectural notes of some Houses of Kerry (1994), the work of the late Valerie Bary.
Michael created, in essence, a Houses of Castleisland. Michael’s study caused him to take up correspondence with New Zealand born Valerie Bary in 1996. In one of her letters, Valerie stated, ‘I do wish I had been in touch with you when I was doing Castleisland’.1

Since its publication in 1994, Houses of Kerry, illustrated by the author’s daughter, Stephanie Walsh, has become a standard source of reference.2
Valerie Bary passed away on 6 April 2013 at age 91. A tribute described Valerie as ‘generous to a fault, both with her time and with her knowledge …. Her soft speaking voice, elegance and ladylike demeanour were reminiscent of a bygone era’.3
This series also contains detailed material on the baronies of Kerry. See links below to access a selection of material.

One A4 document contains an alphabetical list of the houses of the Castleisland area, Ardnagragh to Woodville with notes, from Houses of Kerry (1994) by Valerie Bary
Page 1 (of 3) contains an alphabetical list of the houses of the Castleisland area from Houses of Kerry, information organised into columns on an A3 sheet by page reference, property name, occupier, map reference, condition and notes. Ahane Farm to Castleview
Page 2 (of 3) contains an alphabetical list of the houses of the Castleisland area from Houses of Kerry, information organised into columns on an A3 sheet by page reference, property name, occupier, map reference, condition and notes. Churchill to Mullaghmarkey House
Page 3 (of 3) contains an alphabetical list of the houses of the Castleisland area from Houses of Kerry, information organised into columns on an A3 sheet by page reference, property name, occupier, map reference, condition and notes. Parkmore House to Woodville House
One chart contains names, Babington to Young, associated with historic houses in the Castleisland area as extracted from Houses of Kerry
One A4 map of the baronies of Kerry, the barony of Trughanacmy outlined in green
Alphabetical list of townlands in the parishes of Castleisland, Ballincushlane, Killeentierna, Dysert, Brosna, Ballymacelligott and Nohoval. Information organised into columns
Page 1 (of 2) contains alphabetical list of townlands in the baronies of Iraghticonnor, Clanmaurice and Corkaguiny under the headings, Charles Smith 1756, Michael H O’Connor 1990, Richard Griffith 1853 and Jeremiah King 1931
Page 2 (of 2) contains alphabetical list of townlands in the baronies of Trughanacmy, Iveragh, Magunihy, Dunkerron North, Dunkerron South, and Glanarought under the headings, Charles Smith 1756, Michael H O’Connor 1990, Richard Griffith 1853 and Jeremiah King 1931
Photocopy of pp60-61 from Houses of Kerry pertain to Callinafercy Cottage and Callinfercy House (I) and (II), at Kilcoleman, Miltown, the latter the residence of Valerie Bary
1 IE MOD/38/38.4/38.4.1-38.4.2. 2 The publication contains an image and biographical sketch of Valerie Bary in which she is described as being related to 'half of Ireland and ALL of Kerry'. 3 The Kerry Magazine (2014); tribute by Marie O'Sullivan, Hon Editor of same, p58. Photocopy held in IE MOD/A12. A notice of Valerie Bary's death was published in the Irish Times on 10 April 2013.