‘O’Donoghue of the Hills’: The Knocknaboul Eviction

On 18th May 1881 about sixty police under the command of Sub-Inspector Davis assembled at Knocknaboul near Kingwilliamstown on the Cork/Kerry border with land agent Arthur Edward Herbert JP of Killeentierna to evict Denis O’Donoghue and his family of nine children.   The scene was described by one who witnessed it:   There was no…Continue Reading

Bricks and Breeding: A Sketch of Ballymacadam House, Castleisland

Ballymacadam House belongs to the eighteenth century, described as the mansion house of the Marshall Estate ‘built and inhabited by the celebrated Ralf Marshal.’  In 1799, Ralph Marshall of Ballymacadam, known also as Don Radolph Marshall, married into the Markham family of Callinafercy, Milltown, Co Kerry where he took up residence soon after his marriage.…Continue Reading

Topographical Survey of Castleisland in 1942

In 1942, John J Quinlan carried out a number of topographical surveys in Kerry for the Irish Tourist Association.[1]  It included topography, geology, historic houses, churches, holy wells, mass rocks and burial places, spas and mineral springs, customs and patterns.[2]   The survey, a very useful source for the social historian, included pastimes like angling…Continue Reading

Buried in Oblivion: ‘Unknown Scholars’ from Castleisland 

In 1935, a youthful John Francis (‘Jack’) MacMahon (1908-1963), son of Patrick MacMahon and Kilkenny-born school teacher Joanna (née Caughlin) MacMahon, and brother of playwright Bryan MacMahon (1909-1998), sought information from the public about old Gaelic poets from Kerry.[1]   He explained that he had been studying and annotating poetry of 18th and 19th century…Continue Reading